Multiseat Configuration in Fedora 21

This is really cool, so I thought I’d share.  I came across a query regarding the possibility of setting up multiple simultaneous users with their own keyboards, mice, and monitors (and whatever else) on the same system.  It seems like such a Linux thing to do, and yet, the topic is a bit opaque to those who don’t know the proper terminology (such as “multiseat”).  It really isn’t too hard to set up, however, so I thought I’d outline the general process on a Fedora 21 system.  Systemd actually makes this quite easy:

1.  Identify the seats currently defined for your system (probably just seat0).

loginctl list-seats

2.  List the devices currently attached to the seats (simple if it’s just seat0)

loginctl seat-status seat0

3.  Identify the devices you would like to repurpose for the new seat (seat1, in this example) and attach them to seat1.

loginctl attach seat1 /sys/devices/device_path_here [attach as many as are necessary for your purposes]

4.  Observe success and rejoice.

Detailed instructions for this procedure can be found for Fedora 17 (when Lennart Poettering first introduced the functionality in systemd 30) and they seem to me to work for Fedora 21 as well, though I have not tested it entirely.  Leave feedback if you get this working or run into trouble!

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12 Responses to Multiseat Configuration in Fedora 21

  1. Rob Willis says:

    Heads up… your login attach command needs to refer to a seat number other than 0… as you have it, nothing will happen.

  2. Hello, It is only displaying seat0. How do I add others?

    A video explaining it would be interesting.
    Thank you!

  3. Right,

    Then you would use the command specifying the hardware?
    Through the command: “loginctl attach seat1 /sys/devices/device_path_here [attach as many as are necessary for your purposes]”

    Must use some more command than as described here?

    Thanks a lot!

  4. JohnlockFilos says:

    Hello, I have a Fedora 17, and i want to configure multiseat on my pc. Please help me. Thanks

    • Dude, you need to upgrade to Fedora 23! Fedora 17 reached its End of Life about 2.5 years ago (2013-07-30). It is no longer secure, nor is it capable of many of the awesome things of which Fedora 23 is now capable. If you want my help, the first thing we need to work on is getting you upgraded to a newer operating system. Do you have a method by which you can back up your data and upgrade?

  5. JohnLock says:

    HI, I have a fedora 17 and i can’t configure multiseat on my laptop. Please could you helpe me; thanks.

  6. Frederick W Koehler says:

    Been enjoying this feature with 3 kids in the downstairs office…But concerned it may have fallen by the wayside for f25… Especially wrt wayland. I just upgraded from working f24…And although my lighten login screens are coming up, I’m not immediately successful getting multiple simultaneous users up…Login dialog seems locked after the first login…

    • Dang; wish I still had a machine to test it on. Maybe I’ll use THAT as justification for an additional graphics card…

      Anyway, can you boot into and check out the journal for information about the errors? Are you using the proprietary NVidia drivers? I, myself, had some issues with them (but if you’re using them, you’re not using Wayland, of course). I’d be glad to try to help you out if you can post any anonymized log data relevant to the issue.

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